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Employees Pension Scheme

Section 39B: Transfer Value

In case exemption is granted to any establishment or in the case of a member being transferred from pension fund of one of the exempted establishment to another pension fund of exempted establishment or statutory pension fund or vice versa, a transfer value payment will be made which will consist of the following:

(a) Withdrawal benefit relating to past service period up to 15-11-1995 as per Table A multiplied by Table B factor for the Period between 16-11-1995 to the date of exemption/transfer.
(b) Transfer value for pensionable service as per Table E for the service rendered from 16-11-1995 or from the date of joining the establishment to the date of exemption/transfer as the case may be, and
(c) In the event of cancellation of exemption granted under para 39, transfer of fund will be made as per the conditions mentioned in the exemption notification.