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The Indian Boilers Act

Section 28: Power of make regulations

The Board may, by notification in the Gazette of India, make regulations consistent with this Act for all or any of the following purposes, namely:--
(a) for laying down the standard conditions in respect of material, design and construction which shall be required for the purpose of enabling the registration and certification of a boiler under this Act;

(aa) for prescribing the circumstances in which, the extent to which, and the conditions subject to which variation from the standard conditions laid down under clause (a) may be permitted:

(b) for prescribing the method of determining the maximum pressure at which a boiler may be used;

(c) for regulating the registration of boilers, prescribing the fees payable therefor and for the inspection and examination of boilers or parts thereof, the drawings, specification, certificates and particulars to be produced by the owner, the method of preparing a boiler for examination, the form of the Inspector’s report thereon, the method of marking the register number, and the period within which such number is to be marked on the boiler;

(d) for regulating the inspection and examination for boilers and steam-pipes, and prescribing forms of certificates therefor;

(e) for ensuring the safety of persons working inside a boiler; and

(f) for providing for any other matter which is not, in the opinion of the Board, a mater of merely local or State importance.