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The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act

Section 11: Conditions of licence

(1) The State Government may frame rules to prescribe the conditions on which licence shall be granted under this Act and such conditions shall include requirements as to the training which the licensee is to undergo, details of the person or persons forming the agency, obligation as to the information to be provided from time to time to the Controlling Authority regarding any change in their address, change of management and also about any criminal charge made against them in the course of their performance of duties of the private security agency or as the case may be, a private security guard employed or engaged by them.

(2) The State Government may make provision in the rules to verify about imparting of required training by the private security agency under sub-section (2) of Section 9 and to review continuation or otherwise of licence of such private security agency which may not have adhered to the condition of ensuring the required training.