Released On 5-Oct-2021
Category Classification
1- Variable Dearness Allowance For any rise over 522 Points of All India Consumer Price Index ( 1982 = 100), neutralising the dearness 100%, the V.D.A. shall be paid from every April and October respectively for the period of July to December of preceding year and January to June of the same year. Illustration On an imaginary average points of 525 for the period of January, 2005 to June, 2005 of All India Consumer Price Index (1982 = 100) , payable amount of Variable Dearness Allowance will be as follows :- (( 525 – 522 )/522) X 2600 = 14.94 2- The daily rate of wages shall not be less than 1/26 of the minimum basic rate plus Variable Dearness Allowance. 3- The hourly rate wages shall not be less than 1/6 of the daily rates. 4- The employees, whose working hours including interval for rest, are less than 06 hours a day or 36 hours a week, will be treated as part time employees and their hourly rate shall not be less than 1/6 of corresponding daily rate. 5- The above rates of wages shall not in any way operate to the prejudice of any employee. If the rates of wages prevailing before coming into force of these rates are higher than the prevailing rate shall be continued and paid as if they have been so fixed under the said Act as minimum rates of wages and in no case the same shall be reduced by any employer. 6- If any work is performed or taken on piece-rate, the guaranteed rate for such work will be the presentlydetermined time rate. 7- The time rate of minimum basic rate of wages, as decided above includes remuneration in respect of the day of the rest, as contemplated under clause (b) of sub sections(1) of section 13 of the Minimum Wage Act,1948. 8- If an employer undertakes any work of employment, through contract labour, with or without obtaining the Certificate under the Contract Labourer(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (Act no. XXXVI of 1970) such labour shall be deemed to be the labour engaged by the employer directly in view of section 9 of the said Act read with the sub-clause(iv) of clause(i) of section 2 of the United Provinces Industrial Disputes Act, 1947(U.P.Act no. XXVII of 1947) and shall also be entitled to the same rate of wages and cost of living allowance which have been made admissible under Paras 1 and 2 of the notification. 9- The rate of minimum time rates wages payable to adolescent shall not be less than time rates payable to anadult employee.
UNSKILLED: Palledar, packer, bundlers, loders, unloaders, peon, mazdoor, chaukidar, safai mazdoor and any other employee doing work of similar nature by whatever name he may be called.
SEMI SKILLED: Gowdown keeper, weighman, mistri, cycle repairer, golden and silver chilaiwala, silver pakaney wala, razder and any other employee doing work of similar nature by whatever name he may be called.
SKILLED: Driver, machild man, carpenter, fitter, welder, painter, electrician, designer of ornaments of gold and silver, supervisor, chemist, mechenic, operator, munim, accountant, cashier, typist, clerk,salesman, ugahi, tagadgir, head munim, head accountant, head cashier, senior search man, head clerk, office superintendent, stenographer, sales representative and any other employee doing work of similar nature by whatever name he may be called.