Released On 9-Aug-2023
Category Classification
Minimum Wages here are for Shops and Commercial Establishments. You can see wages for other categories here:
Special Grade: Manager
Grade A: Assistant Manager (Lodges), Receptionist, Accountant/Clerk, Cashier, Fitter (Cycle shops), Reflectionary Man (Optical Shops), Chemist (Soap, Candle,Softdrink manufacture), Inspector (Parcel Services)
Grade B: (1) Glass Cuner (Glass and Photo framing shops), (2) Photo Framing Man, (3) Auctioner (Vegetable shops), (4) Mobile Salesman/Running Salesman/Cycle. Salesman (Sweet stalls, Ice fruits and Cool drinks/Soda factories, Soft Drink Establishments/Coffee and Tea works/Milk and Dairy Products, Bakeries and Confectionaries) (5) Mechanic (Ice, Ice fruits and Cool drinks and Soft drinks esrablishments), (6) Canvaser - Laundries and dry cleaners) (7) Cashier cum Oill Collector (Petrol Bunks.) (8) Mixer (Perfumery works) (9) Service man (Fuel dealers shops) , (10) Engraver cum Salesman (Steel and Aluminium Vessels shops),(11) Darkroom man (Photo studio), (12) Assistant Fitter (Cycle dealers and repairing and hiring shops) (13) Repairer, (14) Fitter (Grinding cutter, Optical shops), (15) Head baker (Bakeries and Confectionaries), (16) Sweet maker, (17) Mechanic Fitter·(Parcel service), (18) Personal Assistant (Commission. A gencies House), (19) Steamer Supervisor (Steamer Agency House), (20) Tally Supervisor (Steamer Agency House), (21) Ice, Icc Fruit and Soft Drinks maker, (22) Umbrella Repairer (Umbrella Shops), (23) Electrician (Lodges) (24) Lift Operator (Lodges) , (25} Security Guard (Lodges), (26) Driver (Lodges)
Grade C: (1) General Worker (Grocery shops and parcel services), (2) Polisher (Automobile dealers. shops), (3) Roster/Grinder (Coffee works) (4) Bottle Filler (Milk·Dairy Products and Soft drinks manufacturing establishment), (5) Delivery man (Fuel Gas dealers shops), (6) Weighing man (Steel and Aluminium Vessels shops), (7) Medicine Manufacturing Worker (Unskilled)(Ayurvedic Vaidyasolas and Ayurvedic Medical Shops), (8) Marunnu Vettukurn, (9) Dark room Assistant (Photo Studio), (10) Retoucher (Photo Studio), (II) Finisher (Photo Studio), (12) Assistant Mechonic (Watch repairing and dealers, Rodio sale and service, musical instruments ond other shops), (13) Packer (Automobile Spare Parts and tyre and tube shops ond other shops), (14) Assistant Wireman (Light ·and sound services), (15) Mike operator, (16) Assistant Branch Managrr (Parcel Services), (17).Room boy (Lodges), (18) Head Gardener (Lodges), (19) Head Wotchman (Lodges), (20) Plumber (Lodges)
Grade D: (I) Numbering man (Laundries and drycleaners and book binding shops), (2) Filling and Packingmon (Perfumery works), (3) Helper (Cycle dealers, cycle fitting and cycle repairing and hiring shops), (4) Gardener (Lodges), (5) Watchman (Lodges), (6) Cleaner (Lodges), (7) Dobby (Lodges), (8) Scavenger (Lodges)
Grade E: (1) Cleaner, (2) Office Attender, (3) Studio boy, (4) Messenger, (5) Steamer Watchman, (6) Steamer Godown Watchman, (7) Sweeper