The act aims to provide workmen and their dependents, compensatory payment, in case of accidents arising out of and in course of employment and causing either death or disablement of workmen.
The Act extends to the whole of India.
The act applies to factories, mines, docks, construction establishments, plantations, oilfields and other establishments listed in Schedule II and III of the act but excludes establishments covered by the ESI Act.
Every employee including those employed through a contractor except casual employees, who is engaged for the purposes of employers business and who suffers an injury in any b accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, shall be entitled for compensation under this Act.
The W.C Amendment Act, 1995, has extended the ambit of the Act to cover workers of newspaper establishments, drivers, cleaners, etc working in connection with a motor vehicle, workers employed by Indian companies abroad, persons engaged in spraying or dusting of insecticides or pesticides in agricultural operations, mechanised harvesting and thrashing, horticultural operations and doing other mechanical jobs.